
Tuesday 17 February 2015

#btnetsy blog hop!

​Another blog hop! This time it's a Brighton Etsy Team blog hop, if you want to see all the blog hop posts I'll be adding them to this bloglovin' collection. We were nominated by Yellow Bear Wares, thanks Claire!

What inspired you to start your business or Etsy shop?

We didn't really plan to start a business, Jacques was working at a laser cutters and had been asked to create some children's mirrors. He brought them home to show me and amongst the designs was a Brachiosaurus. I held it up to my chest and suggested that it would make a good necklace and that was that. We started selling in Porta, Brighton and then some genius suggested Etsy. I don't know who it was, but I wish I did, as we had never been on Etsy before and we've got some thanking to do!

Throw back of Jacques when we first started designosaur... what a babe... hehehe.
 Photo | Bob Prosser

We're looking at goals in the Brighton Etsy Team this month, can you share one of your goals for your shop for the next six months?

Blogging! You will have seen before on this here blog that I am threatening to blog every week. I've also promised to do 5 OOTD posts and 5 "behind the scenes" posts.

So far so good, let's see if I can keep it up once the summer gets here though!

What are you working on at the moment?

Some awesome crazy amazing new designs! Last week we released the now named Penelope the Plesiosaur and over the next few weeks we have lots of fun designs coming, a collaboration and a couple of products that aren't jewellery! I hope you are all as excited as we are!

If you could give other sellers or someone looking to start their own craft business one piece of advice what would you say?

Work hard and remember that building a business takes time! Everybody that started a craft business was in the same position as you at the beginning, they were choosing their name and listing their first products and it's been hard work and determination that has turned them into the successful business they are today! Oh and join an Etsy team, I hear the Brighton Etsy Team is awesome!

Blog hop complete, I nominate YUK FUN, hello DODO and i Like CATS.

I'm off to the Etsy UK office in London this week, to chat to some of the admins and wondered if you had any questions about the site or the Etsy community, if you do just pop them in the comments and I'll get as many answered as I can!



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