We hope by now that you've met
Georgette, but if not, here's a little interview with the lady herself...
Hi Georgette, thanks for taking the time to speak to us, you are the infamous George's girlfriend, how have you found being thrust into the limelight?
Well, it's all been quite a shock, I've gone from working in a cafe in Brighton and minding my own business to being recognised when I'm queuing for my tickets at the cinema! (Have you seen Zootropolis? It really is good...) George is very supportive though and a lot of the time it's my bow that gets me the attention, George will be right there and nobody will notice him!
As chameleons you're quite shy, and as you've mentioned, blending in is more your thing, do you have plans to utilise your new found fame?
Well I've started a hashtag on instagram, I post selfies under
#georgettethechameleon and I also hijacked
#dayofgeorge with some selfies too. I like that I can hide a bit behind my internet persona, in person it's a different story!
How did you and George meet?
We actually met speed dating, thank goodness you only have to talk to each guy for 2 minutes! I was talking to this lizard and I wasn't listening to a thing he was saying as I could see George across the room, well I say see, I couldn't see him, but I could see an empty space, then I spotted his big eyes, and I knew he was the one for me.
What's your favourite accessory?
I always wear this purple bow, I just love it! I once saw Katy Perry wearing one similar and I thought, well if it looks great on her, and we're so similar, it's going to look great on me too!
So there you have it, thanks Georgette! :D
Yup. It's happened. Completely Mad.
PS Georgette is our collaboration with
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